02 Feb 2019







​Please note that the programme is provisional and subject to change.

Download the programme here​​​

Monday April 8th
12.30—12.30 Registration Opens and Poster set up in the Visitor Centre
12.30—14.00 Buffet Lunch available and Networking
14.00—15.30 Workshops:​ Crisis Communica​tions, and Storytelling in Science​​ 
15.30—16.00 Tea and​ Coffee available
16.00—​18.00 Tours of the facilities
18.00—19.00 Buffet supper available
19.00 onwards Drinks and networking in Ridgeway House

Tuesday 9th April
​08.15—09.15 Registration Opens—refreshments available
09.15—09.30 Welcome and Introduction
09.30—10.00 Plenary 1: "Being LGBTQ+ In STEM", Dr. Alfredo Carpineti, IFL Science
10.00—10.15 Coffee
10.15—12.00 Session 1 — Equality and Diversity Communications
​12.15—13.45 Lunch, served in the Visitor Centre
14​.00—14.30 Plenary 2: "The Secret Rulers of the world: the Apollo Moon Landings, conspiracy theories and critical thinking skills in a “post-truth” world", Professor Anu Ojha OBE, Director, UK National Space Centre
14.30— 14.45 Move to Parallel Sessions (refreshments will be available throughout the parallel sessions)
14.45 — 16.30 Parallel Sessions
Parallel 2 — Combatting Fake News
16.30—16.45 Move back to Pickavance Lecture Theatre
16.45—17.15 Discussion on afternoon sessions
17.15—18.30 Return to hotels
Speaker: Professor Sheila Rowan, Professor of Physics and Astronomy and Director, Institute of Gravitational Research, University of Glasgow.
Transport will be provided. Further details to follow.

​Wednesday 10th April 2019
08:30 - 09:00 Refreshments available
09.00—09.30 Plenary 3: "Redefining the SI - telling the world!", Fiona Auty, National Physical Laboratory
09.30—10.00 Plenary 4​: "Reflections on the changing faces of public engagement – a journey with STFC", Professor Colin Pulham, The University of Edinburgh 
10.00—10.15 Move to Parallel Sessions (refreshments will be available throughout the parallel sessions)
10.15—12.0​0 Parallel Sessions
Parallel 6 — Measuring Success
Parallel 7​ — ​Finding the next science Superstar​​
12:00​—13.30 Lunch, served in the Visitor Centre
13.30—14.00 Plenary 5: "Engaging with public with plastic-eating enzymes," Professor John McGeehan
14.00—14.15 Move to Parallel Sessions
14.15—16.00 Parallel Sessions
Parallel 9 — Distributed Infrastructure
16.00—16.15 Move back to Pickavance Lecture Theatre
16.15—17.00​​ Discussion on afternoon sessions and close

Thursday 11th April 2019
Meeting of the Research Infrastructure Communications and Engagement (RICE) committee.
From 09.00: Conference rooms CR16 and CR17, Target Station 2 (R80), ISIS Neutron and Muon Source, STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory.

Contact: Fletcher, Sara (STFC,RAL,BDD)