SANS cuvette type and volume
19 Jun 2024







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Typical quartz cuvettes used for liquid samples:


We recommend you to bring your own cuvettes, but we also have some units for loan. Please talk to the instrument scientist to reserve these parts for your experiment.

ISIS does not endorse any particular manufacturer of quartz cuvettes but both Hellma (stock codes: 110, 120 & 404; material codes: QS/QX) and Optiglass (stock codes: 21 & 32; material code: Q) manufacture suitable products.

Alternative cuvettes for gel samples:

  • Demountable cells with small volume

Quartz plates of 40mm x 10mm, with thickness of 1mm or less. The sample goes in between the two plates and is clamped with the black part shown on the right. We recommend you to bring your own cuvettes, but we also have some units for loan (very few). Please talk to the instrument scientist to reserve these parts for your experiment. ​​

  • Durham Gel Cell

Aluminium pods of 15mm diameter, holding two quartz disks separated by a Tefflon spacer of 1mm or less. The gel sample goes in between the two quartz disks and the ensemble is tightened with a screw. We recommend you to bring your own quartz disks, but we also have some units for loan. Please talk to the instrument scientist to reserve these parts for your experiment. 


SANS Group | SANS Instruments | SANS Team | Science ​USERS Practical info ISI​S | ISIS Research Groups

Contact: Cavalcanti, Leide (STFC,RAL,ISIS)