Biology Laboratories
26 Oct 2009



ISIS houses a biology laboratory in each target station, providing specialist equipment and expertise for the preparation, characterisation and handling of biological and biochemical samples.




ISIS houses a biology laboratory in each target station, providing specialist equipment and expertise for the preparation, characterisation and handling of biological and biochemical samples. These may include nucleic acids, proteins, lipids and bacterial cell cultures. We assist visiting scientists in preparing, checking, and optimising samples for ISIS instrument beam time. 

Work in these laboratories also focuses on the development of experimental methods and assisting users with data analysis and experimental design.

February 2024 update:

​​Laboratory News Jan 2024 edition, p 25-27

Interview with ISIS BioLabs Manager

ISIS BioLabs Location​

The R55 CL1 Biology Lab is located on the ground floor, near the Surf beamline in TS1. This laboratory ​​​operates at containment level 1.

The R80 CL2 Biology Lab is loca​ted on the first floor on the east side of TS2. This laboratory operates at containment level 2.

The CL2 Cell Culture suite is situated behind the main CL2 laboratory. It provides facilities for culturing different types of cells - from bacteria and algae to insect and mammalian cultures.​​


Access Policy (BioLab Induction) 

Access to both bio labs is restricted. Please contact the ISIS BioLabs manager Ludmila Mee ( or your local contact to arrange for an induction. You induction will be valid for 3 years. 

To get a refresher

Staff members: please read induction policy document ISIS Bio Lab induction_updated_20-01-2025.docx​ and confirm that you have done so by emailing to,, and 

The access will be re-issued on the receipt of your email for another 3 years.​

ISIS users: please contact BioLab manager Ludmila Mee ( to arrange induction on your next visit.

Safety​ Information and Working Practices 

Before the start of any work in the ISIS B​iolabs it must be suitably risk assessed (under COSHH) either in your Experimental Risk Assessment (ERA) for a beam time experiment or separately for a non-beam time experiment. Please contact the ISIS Sample Safety Team​ ( if you need more information or risk assessment templates.

​The infromation on the BioLab waste routes can be found in this poster:
lBioLab waste routes.pptx

The slide below is to explain biosample assessment and paperwork.

ISIS Biosample chart_20-01-2025.pptx

This short presentation will explain why one should consider biosafety implications before starting their work at ISIS.

In additon, any work with live samples (whether cells, viruses, bacteria or others), or with samples ​that might be contaminated with adventitious agents (blood, solid tissues or other) at ISIS BioLabs must be accompanied by completed and approved BioCOSHH RA.

BA Assessment guidance October 2024.pdf 

BA Assessment template October 2024.docx

Please get in touch with the Biolab manager ( at your earliest convenience. The process of assessing your samples and protocols and creating all relevant documentation might take up to 3 weeks.

Please familiarise yourself with the Site safety handbook before starting your work in the BioLabs. This also covers Diamond, CLF, RFI and RCaH Site Safety handbook Dec21.pdf

Equipment B​ooking

Please follow the procedure below for booking equipment. Please note, ISIS IdeaELAN is different from the one that is used by RCaH users.IdeaELAN ISIS-Creating an account.pdf

​​​Lone Working

Lone working permission will be granted by the lab manager after reviewing the risk assessments and ensuring that suitable measures are in place. Please speak to the ISIS Sample Safety Team​ ( well in advance to organise this.  


R55 CL1 Biology Lab - 01235 446784​

R80 CL2 Biology Lab - 01235 567162

ISIS Sample Safety Team - ​

Dr Ludmila Mee - Biology Laboratories Manager

Sarah Langham - Senior Laboratory Technician​

Rachel Pearce - Senior Laboratory Technician 

Contact: Youngs, Sarah (STFC,RAL,ISIS)